You can contact us by filling in the form below.
We will get back to you as soon as possible. [contact-form-7 id=”407″ title=”Formulario de contacto 1_copy”]

Avenida Manuel Sirgo, Nº 227
33211 Tremañes – Gijón – ESPAÑA
Telephone numbers:
+34 985 32 00 55
+34 985 31 40 02
Fax +34 985 32 01 35

This is our exact location on Google Maps.

According to the Spanish Data Protection Law (Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre de Protección de Datos de carácter personal),  INDUSTRIAS DEL CAUCHO S.L.U. informs you that personal data voluntarily provided by users in this form will be confidentially added to INDUSTRIAS DEL CAUCHO S.L.U.’s database.
Similarly, when registering, clients are giving their consent to services or products that may be of interest to them, knowing that Spanish legislation on data protection will be always respected.
In the event that INDUSTRIAS DEL CAUCHO S.L.U. intends to transfer personal data to third parties, it must obtain the client’s consent, after informing him/her about the purpose of this transferring.
Clients will be able to exercise their right to access, modification, exposing and cancellation by written request to INDUSTRIAS DEL CAUCHO S.L.U. Avenida Manuel Sirgo no.227, zip code 33211, Tremañes, Gijón, Spain or by email to